Meet The Team


Mike Shorten - Deputy CEO of Bishop Hogarth Catholic Education Trust,
Principal of Carmel College and Director of CTTP
"Mike Shorten is the director of Carmel Teacher Training Programme and is Principal of Carmel College. In his role as Principal he leads the day to day business of Carmel College, he is a National Leader of Education (NLE) and also facilitates and leads training for Carmel Professional Training Centre"

Simon Roberts - Computing Hub Lead
"Simon brings his experience of having lead both ICT and Computing in two outstanding schools to his role in leading the NCCE Computing Hub for Tees Valley and Durham at Carmel College. He has thoroughly enjoyed the transition from the old ICT national curriculum to the new computing curriculum and relished the challenges and opportunities that it has created. Having come from a background in science teaching, he is acutely aware of the journey that our participants will face in becoming comfortable teaching the new subject content."

Rose Marie Rochester - Maths Hub Lead
"Rose-Marie was designated as a maths SLE in 2013, which was the formal beginning of her work with other schools in the north east. Rose-Marie has been the Maths Hub Lead for the Archimedes NE maths hub since its inception in 2014; broadening her experience of working with teachers to improve maths provision and thus outcomes for children. She is an accredited PD Lead and the Maths Lead for the Bishop Hogarth CET. Rose-Marie is especially interested in embedding teaching for mastery across all phases so as to build pupils’ confidence and competence with their maths. Rose-Marie is happily married to Tim and they have been blessed with five wonderful children."

Tony Graham - Science Learning Partnership Lead
  "Tony has twenty-nine years’ experience as a science teacher, the last twenty as curriculum leader for science at Carmel College, whose students in the 2016 PISA tests scored higher for science than the average for any country in the world. He has had extensive involvement in ITT, led the regional Triple Science “Network of Excellence” and Carmel is a partner school for the IoP. As an “Expert Curriculum Leader”, he is leading the TVEB’s science curriculum group. Tony is a current Assessment Specialist for OCR and have been a school governor for nearly twenty years, including two spells as chair."

Joanne Walker - SLE Co-ordinator
"Joanne is an Assistant Vice Principal and Head of Geography at Carmel College. She co-ordinates both the SLE deployments within the Carmel Professional Training Centre and within the Carmel Education Trust is responsible for School to School Support. She is committed to supporting students in reaching their potential and confidently participating in a highly competitive world. Initiatives and strategies that Joanne has been involved with include tracking, improving assessments and introducing a range of thinking skills and enquiries. She delivers on both the NPQML and NPQSL courses, as well as writing and delivering CPD for staff. In addition she has completed the VIP coaching in schools course to enhance her skills of listening and empowering staff and students."